Hey there! I’m Michelle, photographer and recipe developer behind The Healthy Chelle. Thanks for stopping by!

The Healthy Chelle started as a “secret” Instagram account when I first began to ditch the “diet culture” and move towards a more sustainable health & wellness journey.  This journey taught me how and why I should eat nourishing and real, whole foods on a daily basis  in order to feel my best along with helping me understand that I can live my life without guilt and restricting certain foods. Most of all, it has taught me balance. 

I wanted to create a place where I could hold myself accountable, share my personal progress, and mostly be inspired by others on a similar journey. It began with sharing what I ate and it grew into so much more… I found myself creating recipes to go along with the program and then sharing what I made through quick snapshots with my iPhone. I then realized that if I was going to do this, I was going to do it the right way. Having had 5 years of my portrait photography business under my belt, I thought, why not learn more about food photography and use my “big camera” for these shots. I learned from others while also reading many books and taking classes online. And before I knew it, I was in love with food photography as this form of art. 

My love for baking has always been there, but when you’re running a business and “momming” 24/7, it takes a back seat. I have enjoyed being in the kitchen again with this new found love of food photography and creating real food recipes with what I have learned on this health journey. Even more, I absolutely love working with different brands and companies for recipe development, sponsored posts, brand ambassadorships, as well as restaurant and blog photography.

So, What does “Healthy” Mean to Me?

 Healthy is…

eating food as fuel, but enjoying the occasional treat. It’s called balance!

striving to be better than you were the day before, and if you’re  not, well, then that’s ok, too.

simply giving yourself grace.

welcoming progress over perfection.

engaging in meaningful workouts a few days a week.

To me, “healthy” is NOT a number on the scale, or a certain size, and it is not eating only healthy foods.  If you’re here to find recipes that support some amazing weight loss success story with a quick fix, restrictions, gimmicks, points, shakes, etc… I’m sorry, but you’re in the wrong place.  

However, if you’re looking for a place that promotes a balanced lifestyle which includes using fresh, real food ingredients for healthier eats, better-for-you sweets, and the occasional, all-out indulgent treat, then welcome to The Healthy Chelle! 

I couldn’t forget to mention my family, as they are the most important part of who I am. I’m mom to two beautiful girls and wife to an amazing guy. We love playing in our backyard, going on family walks, and just being together.